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Reports from Council and Assembly

Council Meeting and General Assembly Meeting held at the International Conferences for Crystal Growth and Epitaxy *​​


ICCGE-19 Keystone 2019

H.A. Dabkowska, J. Cryst. Growth 532 (2020), 125367


ICCGE-18 Nagoya 2016

H.A. Dabkowska, J. Cryst. Growth 468 (2017), 5-8


ICCGE-17 Warsaw 2013 

*J. Cryst. Growth 401 (2014), 910-911


ICCG-16 Beijing 2010

T. F. Kuech J. Cryst. Growth 318 (2011), 1184-1186


ICCG-15 Salt Lake City 2007

T. F. Kuech J. Cryst. Growth 310 (2008), 2399-2400


ICCG-14 Grenoble 2004

T. F. Kuech J. Cryst. Growth 275 (2004), 228-340


ICCG-13 Kyoto 2001

T. Nishinaga, J. Cryst. Growth 237-239 (2002), 2264-2266


ICCG-12 Jerusalem 1998 


ICCG-11 The Hague 1995

J. Cryst. Growth 166 (1996), 1121-1124


ICCG-10 San Diego 1992

J. Cryst. Growth 128 (1993). 12993-1296


ICCG-9 Sendai 1989

J. Cryst. Growth 99 (1990), 1343-1345


ICCG-8 York 1986

J. Cryst. Growth 79 (1986), 1011-1013 & 1014


ICCG-7 Stuttgart 1983

J. Cryst. Growth 65 (1983), 709-711


ICCG-6 Moscow 1980

J. Cryst. Growth 52 (1981), 995-997


ICCG-5 Boston 1977

J. Cryst. Growth 42 (1977), 651-653


ICCG-4 Tokyo 1974 


ICCG-3 Marseille 1972

J. Cryst. Growth 13-14 (1972). 849-850


ICCG-2 Birmingham 1968 


ICCG-1 Boston 1966 


* from Warsaw meeting the conference name was changed to explicitly include Epitaxy


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