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Previous ICCG and ISSCG Meetings and References to Proceedings and Books

2023: ICCGE-20, Naples, Italy, Conference Report and Governing Bodies Report


2019: ICCGE-19, Keystone, Colorado, USA, Journal of Crystal Growth, special issue on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy and Report from the Meeting


2016: ICCGE-18, Nagoya, Japan, Organizers ReportMinutes from General Assembly ICCGE-18


2013: ICCGE-17, Warsaw, Poland, J. Crystal Growth Volume 401, pp. 1-912 (September 2014)


2010: ICCG-16, Beijing, China, J. Crystal Growth Volume 318, Issue 1


2007: ICCG-15, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, J. Crystal Growth Volume 310, Issues 7–9 pp. 1287-2416 (April 2008)


ISSCG- 14, Dalian, China, 1-7 August, 2010 , Selected topics on Crystal Growth: 14th International Summer School on Crystal Growth

Edited by M. Wang, Katsuo Tsukamoto, and Di Wu, AIP Conference Proceedings 1270, ISBN 978-0-7543-0821-0.


2004: ICCG-14, Grenoble, France, J. Crystal Growth Volume 275, Issues 1–2 pp. 1-382 (2005)

ISSCG-13, Park City, Utah, USA, 1-7 August, 2007, Perspectives on Inorganic, Organic, and Biological Crystal Growth: From Fundamentals to Applications: 13th International Summer School on Crystal Growth by Marek Skowronski, James J. DeYoreo, Christine A. Wang. (American Institute of Physics, New York 2007) ISBN 0-735-40426-7


2001: ICCG-13, Kyoto, Japan, J. Crystal Growth 237/239 pp.1-904 Part 1 (2002)

J. Crystal Growth 237-239 Part 2 (2002)
J. Crystal Growth 237-239 Part 3 (2002)


ISSCG-12, Akademie Berlin, Schmockwitz, Germany, 1-7 August, 2004, Crystal Growth - From Fundamentals to Technology, edited by Georg M¨uller, Jean-Jacques Metois, and Peter Rudolph (Elsevier, Amsterdam 2004) ISBN 0-444-51386-8


1998: ICCG-12, Jerusalem, Israel, J. Crystal Growth 198/199 (1999)


Part 1, pp 1-884
Part 2, pp.885-1394


ISSCG-11, Doshisha Retreat Center, Shiga Prefecture, Japan, 24-29 July, 2001, Advences in Crystal Growth Research, edited by K. Sato, Y. Furukawa and K. Nakajima (Elsevier, Amsterdam 2001) ISBN 0 444 50747 7


1995: ICCG-11, The Hague, The Netherlands, J. Crystal Growth 166 pp.1-1140 (1996)


ISSCG-10, Rimini, Italy, Theoretical and Technological Aspects of Crystal Growth , edited by R. Fornari and C. Paorici (Trans Tech Pub. Ltd., Zurich 1998) ISBN 0-87849-806-0


1992: ICCG-10, San Diego, USA, J. Crystal Growth 128 (1993)

Volume 128, Issues 1–4, pp. 1-570 (1993)
Volume 128, Issues 1–4, Part 2, pp. 571-1318 (1993)


ISSCG-9, Dutch national sports center Papendal, near Arnheim, Netherlands, Science and Technology of Crystal Growth , edited by J.P. van der Eerden and O.S.L. Bruinsma (Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht 1995) ISBN 0-7923-3526-0

1989: ICCG-9, Sendai, Japan, Issues 1–4, Ppp. 1-642 (1990)

J. Crystal Growth 99 99, Issues 1–4, Part 2, pp. 643-1366 (1990)

ISSCG-8, Palm Springs, USA (not published)


1986: ICCG-8, York, UK,

J. Crystal Growth 79 Issues 1–3, pp. 1-546 (1986)
J. Crystal Growth 79 Issues 1–3, Part 2, pp. 549-1030 (1986)



1983: ICCG-7, Stuttgart, Germany,

J. Crystal Growth 65, Issues 1–3, Pages 1-721 (1983)


ISSCG-6, Edinburgh, UK, Advanced Crystal Growth , Edited by P.M. Dryburgh, B. Cockayne and K. Barraclough (Prentice Hall, Hemel Hempstead 1997) ISBN 0-13-011249-6


1980: ICCG-6, Moscow, Russia,

J. Crystal Growth 52, Part 1, Pages II, XI-XV, XVI-XX, 1-492 (1981)
J. Crystal Growth 52, Part 2, Pages 495-1012 (1981)

ISSCG-5, Switzerland

1977: ICCG-5, Boston, USA, J. Crystal Growth 42 pp. CO2, XI-XVI, 3-662 (1977)



1974: ICCG-4, Tokyo, Japan, J. Crystal Growth 24/25 (1974)

ISSCG-3, Cambridge, MA, USA


1971: ICCG-3, Marseille, France, J. Crystal Growth 13/14 pp. ii-iii, vii-xxi, 3-876 (1972)

ISSCG-2, Mount Fuji, Japan


1968: ICCG-2, Birmingham, UK, J. Crystal Growth 3/4, pp.1-842 (1968)


ISSCG-1, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 21 June-2 July, 1971, Crystal Growth, An Introduction,edited by P. Hartman (North Holland, Amsterdam 1973) ISBN 0 7204 1821 6 and 0 444 10463 1


1966: ICCG-1, Boston USA, Crystal Growth, Proceedings of an International Conference on Crystal Growth, Boston, 20-24 June 1966, edited by H. Steffen Peiser (Pergamon Press, New York 1967)

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