Call for Nominations for the Frank and Laudise Prizes
The next Frank and Laudise Prizes will be awarded during the ICCGE-21 in Xi'an, China. Nominations have to be submitted, preferably by e-mail, to the Chairman of the selection committee Professor Thierry Duffar:
The IOCG Frank Prize shall be awarded for significant fundamental (not necessarily theoretical) contributions to the field of crystal growth. The IOCG Laudise Prize shall be awarded for significant technological (not necessarily experimental) contributions to the field of crystal growth.
Guidelines for nominations:
The nominator should submit a nomination letter (maximum two pages) which clearly states the significant fundamental (Frank Prize) or technological (Laudise Prize) contributions of the nominee to the field of crystal growth. The nomination should be for either the Frank or the Laudise Prize and cannot be made by the nominee him/herself.
The nomination has to be accompanied by a CV, list of publications, patents, honors etc. of the nominee.
Support letters by up to two well-known crystal growers are welcome but not mandatory.
Deadline for submission of nominations: 1 April 2025.
Call for Nominations for Schieber Prize
The next Schieber Prize will be awarded during the ICCGE-21 in Xi'an, China. Nominations have to be submitted, preferably by e-mail, to the Chairman of the selection committee Professor Jeffrey Derby:
The prize, sponsored by the Journal of Crystal Growth (Elsevier Science), shall be awarded to one person who is an early career worker. Early career worker is to be understood as someone who has been active in the field up to twelve years at the scheduled time of the opening session of the respective ICCGE meeting. The publications for which the award is made should consist of a paper or series of papers, published prior to the opening of that ICCGE. The criteria for selection should be scientific excellence, clarity of presentation and impact on the field of crystal growth. Scientists of all nations, regardless of the geographical or employment location at which the work was done, are eligible.
Guidelines for nominations:
The nominator should submit a nomination letter (maximum two pages) which clearly states the impact on the field of crystal growth of the nominee's publication(s).
The nomination has to be accompanied by a CV and list of publications of the nominee.
Support letters by up to two well-known crystal growers are welcome but not mandatory.
Deadline for submission of the nomination: 1 April 2025.