At its meeting at ICCG 8 in York, UK, the IOCG executive committee discussed the creation of two IOCG prizes, to be named after the first two IOCG Presidents, F. Charles Frank and Robert A. Laudise. An international committee [R.F. Sekerka, USA (chair); F.W. Ainger (UK/USA); H. Komatsu (Japan); K.W. Benz (Germany)] was formed to work out the details. The original version (July 22, 1987) of the document IOCG PRIZES IN CRYSTAL GROWTH, which was adopted by the IOCG Executive Committee on July 22, 1987 can be found in History-Archival Documents.
The updated version below was approved by Executive Committee on October 25, 2016.
The IOCG established two prizes, the IOCG Frank Prize and the IOCG Laudise Prize, to honor individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of crystal growth. These prizes shall be awarded at the International Conferences on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (IOCGE) conferences that are currently held every three years and winners must be present to receive the award. Although the intent is to award each of the prizes every three years, they should only be awarded if truly deserving candidates can be found.
The IOCG Frank Prize shall be awarded for significant fundamental (not necessarily theoretical) contributions to the field of crystal growth. The IOCG Laudise Prize shall be awarded for significant technological (not necessarily experimental) contributions to the field of crystal growth. Neither prizes should be awarded to honor long and distinguished service to IOCG; recognition of such service should be made in other ways.
These prizes should be administered by an internationally representative Prize Committee established by the cognizant ICCGE host. At least one member of this committee shall be a member of the Executive Committee of IOCG. This committee shall be responsible for solicitation of nominations, selection of winners (subject to final approval by the Officers of IOCG), financial arrangements, and presentation of the prizes.
Each prize shall consist of an invitation to present the work for which the prize was awarded at a plenary lecture at the ICCG conference; travel, accommodation and registration expenses at the conference; and a tangible memento chosen by the IOCG Prize Committee, suitably inscribed, to commemorate the prize. It is suggested that the tangible memento be a cast medal with a design that reflects the “fundamental” or “technological” themes as appropriate, and its presentation be accompanied by a citation.
The funds to support these prizes shall normally be raised as part of the registration fee at the International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE); these fees may be offset, however, by contributions from industry, foundations, or other sources.
Prize Winners
2023 at ICCGE XX, Naples, Italy
Frank Prize: Peter Vekilov, University of Houston (USA) and Juan Garcia-Ruiz, Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (Spain) for fundamental advances in understanding crystallization from solutions through discoveries of two step-nucleation, the role of surface diffusion, sources of step instabilities, and the emergence of life-like morphologies, mineral patterning, and giant single crystals, in complex and natural chemical environments.
Laudise Prize: Peter Rudolph, Crystal Technology Consulting (Germany) for unmatched deep understanding of crystal growth fundamentals combined with a skill of technological practice in the field of various semiconductors (II-IV, III-V and silicon), these important results on liquid clustering, point defects, dislocation networks and the use of magnetic fields having been successfully incorporated into industrial crystal production.
Scheiber Prize: Bharat Jalan, University of Minnesota (USA) for innovative work and scientific leadership in the field of crystalline oxide film and hetero-structure synthesis and properties, particularly the development a powerful method known as hybrid molecular beam epitaxy (h-MBE), an important and impactful epitaxial growth technique with extraordinary capabilities and diverse applications.
2019 at ICCGE XIX, Keyston, CO, USA
Frank Prize: Darrell Schlom, Cornell University (USA) and Reinhard Uecker, Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth (IKZ, Germany) jointly receive this prize for their pioneering contributions to the development of new perovskite substrates enabling strain engineering of functional oxides.
Laudise Prize: Kazuo Nakajima, professor emeritus of Tohoku University, Japan for his significant technological contributions to the field of crystal growth of both, III-V quaternary layers for optical communication systems and of high-quality Si ingots for high-efficiency solar cells.
2016 at ICCGE XVIII, Nagoya, Japan
Frank Prize: Gerald Stringfellow, University of Utah (USA) for his pioneering work in the development of the foundations of organometallic vapor phase epitaxial growth of compound semiconductors.
Laudise Prize: Chung-wen Lan from National Taiwan University for his development of the crystal growth technology for high-performance multi-crystalline silicon for the solar cell industry.
2013 at ICCGE XVII, Warsaw, Poland
Frank Prize: Katsuo Tsukamoto for his pioneering investigations with phase-shift interferometry which led to fundamental discoveries in the area of solution-based crystallization under microgravity and on the earth.
Laudise Prize: Chuang-Tian Chen for his outstanding contributions to discovery and development of novel NLO materials.
2010 at ICCG XVI, Beijing, China
Frank Prize: Martin E. Glicksman (USA) for basic contributions to resolve fundamental issues associated with dendritic growth kinetics
Laudise Prize: James J. DeYoreo (USA), Nataliya P.Zaitseva (Russia) and Leonid N. Rashkovich (Russia) for their outstanding work in creating the technology and scientific basis of rapid growth of perfect crystals from solutions.
2007 at ICCG XV, Salt lake City, Utah, USA
Frank Prize: Vladimir Voronkov (Russia) for significant theoretical contributions, especially for the understanding of defect formation in silicon
Laudise Prize: J. Brian Mullin (United Kingdom) for basic contributions to crystal growth technology, especially for invention of the LEC process, development of MOVPE and discovery of non-equilibrium segregations at facets.
IOCG Distinguished Service Award to I. Sunagawa (Japan) for his contributions in establishing the international crystal growth community, especially of younger generations, to encourage the understanding of crystal growth mechanisms, including organizing the Summer School “Hodankai” and serving as its School Master for nearly 15 years, resulting in both enhanced theoretical and experimental work in Japan and throughout the world.
2004 at ICCG XIV, Grenoble, France
Frank Prize: George Comsa (Germany) for quantative studies of crystal growth far from equilibrium.
Laudise Prize:Tatau Nishinaga (Japan): for research on epitaxial growth of semiconductors.
2001 at ICCG XIII, Kyoto, Japan
Frank Prize: Donald T.J. Hurle (UK) and Sam R. Coriell (USA): For their great contributions to the fundamental aspects of crystal growth -- especially on cooperative research leading to the quantitative understanding of the role of convective flows and electric fields in crystal growth and morphological stability.
Laudise Prize: Georg Müller (Germany): For his contributions to the development of technological aspects and computer modelling of crystal growth processes.
1998 at ICCG XII, Jerusalem, Israel
Frank Prize: Kenneth A. Jackson (USA)
Laudise Prize: Isamu Akasaki (Japan) for his pivotal contributions to the epitaxial growth of group III nitrides, including the use of buffer layers and the development of p-type GaN. These accomplishments led to the fabrication of the modern blue light- emitting diodes and diode lasers.
1995 at ICCG XI, The Hague, Netherlands
Frank Prize: Pieter Bennema (Netherlands)
Laudise Prize: Robert S. Feigelson (USA)
The presentation of the first IOCG Distinguished Service Award: M. Schieber (Israel)
1992 at ICCG X, San Diego, USA
Frank Prize: Robert F. Sekerka (USA): For seminal contributions to the theory of crystal growth, including the theory of morphological stability of growing crystals.
Laudise Prize: Viacheslav V. Osiko (Russia) and Joseph F. Wencus (USA): For understanding and development of the extremely difficult techniques which are required to grow reproducible large quantities of high quality refractory crystals, especially for the use of skull melting to grow cubic zirconia and for its succesful commercialization as a gem material worldwide.
1989 at ICCG IX, Sendai, Japan
Frank Prize: Alexander A. Chernov (Russia)
Laudise Prize: Jun-ichi Nishizawa (Japan)